The way back
the way back
The way back

In August 2015, Hussein Al Baldawi arrived in Brussels after travelling thousands of kilometres from Iraq. One year after his arrival, Hussein obtains his residence permit and decides to return to Greece. From Brussels to Athens, this road movie takes us along the migratory path of Hussein and thousands of other migrants. As we meet people and travel through different countries, Hussein’s story takes shape, the forgotten ones come to speak and Fortress Europe emerges.
Film directed by Dimitri Petrovic and Maxime Jennes, produced by Les Meutes.
FACE B came up with a project to accompany the release of the film by proposing to create a fake “National Geographic” magazine.
This publication was divided into two parts: the first part focused on the theme of asylum and migration from a factual and educational point of view (major treaties, figures, dates, etc.) and the second part contained a non-exhaustive list of initiatives in Belgium that show solidarity with exiles on our territory.
This document was distributed to schools in addition to the film, with the aim of inspiring and encouraging pupils to develop a civic project themselves.

In August 2015, Hussein Al Baldawi arrived in Brussels after travelling thousands of kilometres from Iraq. One year after his arrival, Hussein obtains his residence permit and decides to return to Greece. From Brussels to Athens, this road movie takes us along the migratory path of Hussein and thousands of other migrants. As we meet people and travel through different countries, Hussein’s story takes shape, the forgotten ones come to speak and Fortress Europe emerges.
Film directed by Dimitri Petrovic and Maxime Jennes, produced by Les Meutes.

FACE B came up with a project to accompany the release of the film by proposing to create a fake “National Geographic” magazine.
This publication was divided into two parts: the first part focused on the theme of asylum and migration from a factual and educational point of view (major treaties, figures, dates, etc.) and the second part contained a non-exhaustive list of initiatives in Belgium that show solidarity with exiles on our territory.
This document was distributed to schools in addition to the film, with the aim of inspiring and encouraging pupils to develop a civic project themselves.